
python basic

Attributes and Methods in Python

This article explains basic concept of attributes and methods in python. And also explaining basic string methods, including string searching, replacement, trimming, and embedding variable values.

Sets in Python

What is sets?You can think of "sets" as simply a group. "Sets" makes sure you don't repeat the same data. It only keeps ...
python basic

Python for Beginners: Understanding Sequences with Lists and Tuples

What is a sequence?Imagine a sequence as a row of labeled storage lockers, each representing a variable in the world of ...
python basic

Condisional Statements in python: if-else, if-elif-else, while-loop, for-loop

This article talks about "conditional branching," "iterations," and "exception handling" for python beginner! No more confusion, just easy-to-follow steps to learn the basics and create python programs!
python basic

Python Objects: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Objects, Methods, and the Basics of Functions

From the fundamentals of objects to the essentials of methods and functions, we've condensed it all for you. Perfect for beginners or those looking to level up their coding skills, this article makes Python's world of objects easy to grasp.
Basic Statistics

Understanding Confidence Intervals: meaning, fomula, examples for Beginners!

Encountering the 95% confidence interval is inevitable in the realm of statistics, a concept that often leaves individua...